Unfortunately we are very far from the ADSL BOX (in Italy we are called; end of line).
We live in a small village that is beautiful because is in the green, but for telecom (ADSL, Phone) it’s a problem !
We tested different Internet provider but the results was the same, very poor, from 4 to 15 Mbit, 4 in the evening when all the people are at home, 15 in the morning.
We working at home and this is a big problem !
For try to resolve this situation we tested different solutions that is listed below.
- Final solution for reach a good and stable Internet connection
- FastWeb + Fritz Box 7390 + Huawei E3372
- Huawei B525s-23a – 4G, LTE (CAT6), WLAN Router, with WiFi at 2.4 and 5 GHz
The first solution is the one we are using now because it allows us to have a public IP and with the Huawei E3372, in case of problems, you always get speeds between 10 and 20 Mbit (Down and Up Load).
In addition, the Fritz Box 7390, if the ADSL falls, automatically switches to the Huawei E3372, not bad.
The second solution is the maximum in terms of performance in Down and Up, because it reaches over 60 Mbit.
There are however a problem, to date, in Italy, at reasonable costs, the amounts of data available per month are 70 Gbytes which for those who work from home or watch films on TV are not enough.
Also you cannot have a public IP.
Below there are the results of different Speed Tests with the two configurations explain before.